Happiness is not by chance, but by choice
Jim Rohn
Happy Friday Parents!!
We’re coming into the last week of classes for this academic year and we’re really happy to see that things seem to continuingly be returning to normal. It’s been another school year of interruptions and changes, but we have navigated well together and arrived again at the end of another year!
As we continue on our path of returning to normal, for the first time since December 2019, we’ll be having a family day performance by some of our classes next Friday 10th June at 1:30pm. Students in the Lower Grades, ESL, Quest, CAP and Axis have been preparing for the past few weeks to put on a performance for you. We will also have the graduation for our 12th Grade Senior during the performance.
After the performance is completed, we are inviting all parents to bring a potluck dish to share.
We are therefore inviting parents to join us for the performance. We will have limited spaces for parents to be sitting in the space, so we have created a form for parents to sign-up and provide us the names of those who will be coming. With limited seats, available, we have provided for two seats per student in the form. Additionally, we have provided a space to enter provisional names of other family that, if space permits, we will be able to accommodate. We therefore request that all forms are submitted by Monday 6th June. We will confirm the spaces for provisional names by Wednesday 8th June.
As a part of our SOPs for entrance, we request that all parents coming for the family day ensure to wear a mask, sanitize your hands upon entry to the centre, and carry out a self-test in accordance with Gov’t regulations.
Some of you would already be aware that we are also restarting our HOLIDAY CAMP this year. We’ll be offering four weeks of activities for students in two groups: 1) Ages 5-11 Years; and 2) Axis Vocational Camp.

Should you like to register your interest in the camp, please click HERE and we’ll be in touch with more details
Final Report Cards for academic students are aimed to be being issued by Wednesday 15th June. The office will be sending out an announcement once they have been sent to you via email. Students who are studying under the independent study program
For students finishing their academic classes for the year, please remember to turn in your textbooks to your class teachers by or before Friday 10th June. New textbooks for next year will be issued to students when they return after the school break.
We’d like to also announce that Mr Kim, our History and Science Teacher will be returning to Canada at the end of this school year. Mr. Kim has been a wonderful asset to the students and the organisation as a whole for the past 3 1/2 years. We wish him all the best in the next stage of his journey back in Canada

As we start looking at next year, we are happy to announce that we will be having a few new faces joining our current awesome team. We have two teachers who will be joining us from the US to teach Upper Grade English and Social Studies classes. We’ll also be adding Physio Therapy and Speech and Language for the 2022-2023 year. We are also still interviewing Occupational Therapist candidates and aim to introduce OT early in the next year.
We have received some requests for transport to be provided for families in the Shah Alam, Subang, and Ara Damansara areas. If you are interested in having transport provided for your child/children, please use the following form to register your interest. If we have enough students interested, we will be able to start transport services for this route in July.
While on the subject of next year, please remember to fill up and return your re-enrolment forms by Friday 10th June as well. If you have any questions about the forms, please let us know before the target date. If you haven’t received your re-enrollment form, please contact the office on 016-6271878 to have it sent.